Product Registration and Document Dispatch
Select where to send the confirmation documents:
Registration Information
Registrant Name:
Registration Date:
Registrant Address:
Registrant Postcode:
Registrant Email:
Send Marketing Info:
Installer Information
Installation Date:
Installer Address:
Installer Postcode:
Installer Email:
Installer Tel:
Product serial numbers you wish to register to the above registrants address
Product 1 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 2 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 3 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 4 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 5 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 6 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 7 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 8 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 9 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 10 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 11 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
Product 12 Serial Number :
(24 Digits)
All warranties must be registered within 28 days of installation and failure to do so will void the extended warranties given and revert to a standard 12-month parts only warranty. This warranty covers any material or manufacturing defect of the appliance/s referred to in this document, provided the instructions for its assembly, installation and use have been followed precisely, and does not affect the rights of the consumer according to the provision of the law.
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